Our Mission
The mission of this not-for-profit 501(C) foundation is to sponsor selected activities that help to advance the scientific understanding and practice of manufacturing, to inspire and support talented students pursuing education in manufacturing engineering and science, and to encourage academic faculty to work closely with industry on real-world problems.
Foundation Profile
The Shien-Ming Wu Foundation was formed in 1993 in memory of the late Professor S.M. Wu, who devoted his life to the research and teaching of manufacturing science and engineering.
During his career of more than 30 years, including five years at the University of Michigan, he made extraordinary contributions to the manufacturing industry and academics, mentoring over 124 doctoral and 85 masters students in manufacturing science and engineering. Today, approximately one-quarter of the active faculty in the area of manufacturing engineering in the U.S. trace their educational lineage to Professor Wu.
The Shien-Ming Wu Foundation, established by Professor Wu’s widow Daisy, is dedicated to carrying on the legacy of Professor Shien-Ming Wu by promoting research and education in manufacturing engineering. The foundation sponsors manufacturing research conferences and a biennial distinguished lecture series, as well as a scholarship program for students of manufacturing.
Professor Wu’s work also continues through the S.M. Wu Manufacturing Research Center and the National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center he helped found at the University of Michigan in 1990. Sharing the same staff and laboratories, these two centers work to generate manufacturing innovations in partnership with industry and government.
Contact Information
For more information, please contact us at the following:
Postal address
415 Riverview Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Electronic mail
General Information: [email protected]
Webmaster: [email protected]